Julie Ryan

A Son’s Passing

Sarah from Louisville, KY, asked:

Hi Julie,

My son passed away from autoerotic asphyxiation almost 10 months ago. My question is this … did he die this way by accident, and was this his or our soul plan? I’m struggling to get my mind around that, even though I’m a believer in soul plans. 

I’ve also had the thought that I helped to manifest his passing.

I didn’t want him to die, but I did want relief from the struggles in our relationship. He was 16. I hope he’s okay. I was told he was confused that he died and didn’t accept it right away.

I’m functioning pretty well only because I believe intellectually that he transitioned and is still with me. I want so badly to have a visit from him. I may have had a few spirit winks from him, but not for a while now.

Thank you for any advice or message you can give me!


Hi Sarah,

My condolences on the passing of your son. I can’t even imagine what you’ve been going through.

In order to get some information for you, I first energetically connected to you and from you to your son. He was standing next to you at your right shoulder.

Your son told me his death was an accident and that it was his soul’s plan.

We all decide when, where, how and who’s with us when we die. I don’t believe it’s a preordained plan, rather, it’s a decision our soul makes about how to exit this lifetime. Funeral directors have countless stories about loved ones waiting to die until someone sitting with them leaves the room to get a cup of coffee.

Please know, we cannot create in someone else’s reality, only in our own. You didn’t cause him to manifest his death, you don’t have the ability to do that to anyone but yourself.

Your son also told me he is around you all the time. You can summon him just by thinking of him. Likewise, when he’s close by, you’re likely to think of him. It works both ways.

If you want to communicate with him, just say something to him either aloud or in your head. His response will come as a thought you think. It’ll happen instantly. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at communicating with him.

Lastly, please consider reading my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. I believe it will inform you about how he was surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones at the time of his passing (and still is) and I believe you’ll find the stories about families with whom I’ve worked comforting.

By the way, scientific research has corroborated what I discuss in my book … how we’re surrounded by angels and deceased loved ones and pets. It seems many people are experiencing what I call the “Twelve Phases of Transition”.

Hope this gives you some peace. Sending big hugs your way!

2 thoughts on “A Son’s Passing”

  1. Julie,
    Thank you for answering my email and validating for me that it was an accident! It is everything. His life/death had a ripple effect throughout our community and my heart believes that the impact of his passing will radiate love in the world in ways we can’t imagine. I do have difficult days, but the cornerstones of my belief systems have sustained me and helped me to survive this terrible loss. I know he is with me.
    Love and hugs back to you.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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