
Julie Ryan

Power of a Mother’s Love

Francis from Quito, Ecuador, asked:

Hi Julie,

My 30-year-old son was diagnosed with schizophrenia 12 years ago. I am a single mother, and it’s been so hard for me to take care of him. We’re both suffering, and I’m very desperate. I don’t know what to do. Please help me, dear. I beg you with all the love in my heart, and the love of a mother for her son.



Dear Francis,

Bless you for the love and dedication you have for your son. I can only imagine the weight you carry.

First, I urge you to connect with a licensed therapist in Ecuador who can offer professional support. Here are some free and immediate mental health resources available to you:

  • Ministerio de Salud Pública: Call 171, extension 6 for nationwide mental health support. This service is available to everyone in Ecuador.
  • Hands & Hearts for Ecuador Foundation: This organization provides mental health care to those in need, focusing on improving the lives of vulnerable populations.
  • Local Psychological Support in Quito:
    • Unidad Metropolitana de Salud Sur: Call 023121300, extension 602
    • Unidad Metropolitana de Salud Norte: Call 023947333
    • Unidad Metropolitana de Salud Centro: Call 023949077

Additionally, I took a moment to energetically connect with you and your son. In my mind’s eye, I saw what appeared to be scar tissue in his brain, which I then removed. This led me to wonder if your son might have had a concussion at some point, possibly from an accident or sports-related injury. Such trauma can sometimes exacerbate symptoms like those of schizophrenia. I encourage you to explore Dr. Daniel Amen’s recommendations on healing concussions.

You are obviously an extraordinary mother, Francis. I hope this information brings you some hope and comfort.