
Julie Ryan

Spiritual and Physical Healing

Suzette from London, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

For the past three years I have suffered excruciating pain in my knees, heels, and now my left thumb.

Arthritic bones are growing on my thumbs and index fingers and are painful when I bend them.

Are these pains related to one of my past lives?

Can you please connect remotely to heal me?

Much appreciated.


Hi Suzette,

Thank you for your question.

While past life experiences can influence our current lives, arthritis and most pain are often caused by inflammation, which can originate in the gut or result from environmental toxins. I believe this is what’s happening with you.

Per your request, I connected to you energetically and “saw” (in my mind’s eye), inflammation covering your whole body, appearing as a red fog. I used anti-inflammatory (royal blue) energy to calm it down, which should help relieve your pain.

It also seems you may have mold exposure and yeast overgrowth, contributing to “leaky gut.” Do you have a water leak in your home or workplace? Do you experience gas, bloating, brain fog, or other chronic symptoms?

Through Spirit working with me, I removed the mold and yeast overgrowth and healed your intestinal lining. This process can integrate instantly or over time and will require complementary care, including diet and lifestyle changes.

To learn more, I recommend Dr. Neil Nathan’s material. He is an expert in treating similar issues. Meanwhile, consider working with Dr. Maria Amasanti in London to help heal your gut and arthritis, ultimately alleviating your pain.

Hope you feel better soon!