Julie Ryan

Cause of Fatigue and Depression

Anne from Westerville, OH, asked:

Hi Julie,

I discovered you a few years ago, and have listened to all 430 episodes, sometimes more than once! I love your interviews with your amazing guests and have learned so much.

Here is my question: I live a pretty clean lifestyle, spend time each day working out with weights, cardio, walking in nature or yoga. I eat well, pray, and spend time with family and friends.

Some days I feel full of energy and have motivation to get things done. BUT, there are more days that I feel low and unmotivated and feel like I’m on the struggle bus.

I know you say our vibrations are low when we are on the “I feel crappy channel” so I’m wondering if there is something else going on.

Although I never give in to my yukky feelings, I get up and move hoping to turn my day around, but the entire day feels like I am carrying around the weight of the world.

Would you be able to scan me and provide some insight on any changes I can make. I am 62 with 4 amazing kids, 2 sweet granddaughters, and a loving husband. I am so lucky and have no reason for these feelings of dread!

I appreciate you and someday I hope to share how I discovered you after my mom passed! It’s a great story! No coincidences, I was meant to find you!

Thank you,

A Loyal Follower, Anne

Hi Anne,

Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my show. I’m honored.

As you probably know, I grew up in Worthington, right next to Westerville, both suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. What you may not know, however, is, I worked as a cashier at Roush Sporting Goods in Westerville for six years (2 in high school and 4 in college). That job was one of three I worked to pay for my degree from Ohio State. Small World!

As for your fatigue and feelings of dread and to get some answers for you, I energetically connected to you and “saw” (in my mind’s eye), you looked like a wilted plant. That’s how a woman appears when she’s in need of hormones. I believe your fatigue and depression are being caused by a lack of hormones.

As we age, our hormone levels decrease and Mother Nature doesn’t think she needs us anymore because we’re no longer having babies and populating the planet.

Well, it’s possible to fool Mother Nature and make her think we’re much younger than our biological age with bioidentical hormones.

My dear friend and women’s health expert Christiane Northrup, MD, says, “Bioidentical hormones duplicate the structure of our hormones exactly as they are found in our bodies”.

To help you feel better, I added some bioidentical estrogen energy to your body and you perked right up.

To find a practitioner near you, please call a couple compounding pharmacies in your area and ask them which physicians are prescribing hormone replacement through them.

My personal preference is to use a gynecologist if possible. After all, they’re female anatomy specialists.

The best news, is, with bioidentical hormones, you’ll quickly be feeling like yourself again.

Hugs and Happy Holidays!

P.S. – I’d love to hear how we got introduced when your mom passed.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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