Julie Ryan

Spirit Visitation or Dream?

Lisa from Marcola, OR, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently had what I think was a visitation from two spirits and I’m hoping you can tell me if it was a visitation, or just a wacky dream. If  it was a visitation, what were they trying to tell me?

Here is the story:

My husband and I went with a couple of our friends to the Mizpah Hotel (supposed to be haunted) in Tonopah, Nevada.

It did feel a little eerie in parts of the hotel, but because it’s over 100 years old and is supposed to be haunted, I figured it was my imagination working overtime.

I had trouble falling asleep and woke up around 3am, heard a knock on the door, and saw two people walk into our room. They looked to be in their early 30’s and wore 1940’s style clothing.

The young woman walked around the bed and stood by my husband. She was holding a clip board and was writing something down. The man was standing in front of the bed talking to me.

While this was happening, I was paralyzed, and couldn’t move or talk. I also tried to wake up my husband to see if he could see these two people/spirits. I didn’t recognize them but knew they were from the past because of how they were dressed.

When I was finally able to talk, I looked over at my husband next to me and he was awake. He’d been reading a book on his Kindle the whole time. He had heard me try to talk, but right before that he also thought he heard a knock at the door!

Was I just dreaming or did I really see two spirits and why did they come to our room?

Thank you for your help.


Hi Lisa,

Wow! Sounds like you absolutely experienced a visit from a couple of spirits.

How you can tell the difference between a dream and a visit from a spirit/spirits, is, among other things, a visit seems as if it’s in high definition. The colors are more vibrant, all your senses seem heightened, the hair on your arms or back of your neck may stand up, you may have goosebumps, and, you remember vivid details about the encounter.

To get more information for you, I did an instant replay of that night in the Mizpah Hotel at 3am.

Your room had an early 20th century décor and your husband was on the side of the bed nearest to the door.

The spirits you saw were a man named Ronald (the hotel general manager) and the woman’s name was Ginger. She was the head of housekeeping. They were doing their quarterly inspection of all the rooms.

I believe you witnessed what’s known as a parallel reality. Since time doesn’t exist in the spirit world, everything that has happened, is still happening, and has its own frequency. Sometimes those frequencies intersect with our current reality and we see glimpses of them.

Although we don’t yet have the technology to detect this phenomenon, the human mind can be trained to perceive past lives, events, realities. Mystics, shamans, medicine men, etc. have been accessing parallel realties since the beginning of time. I learned this skill and now teach it to my students.

In addition, receiving messages and visits from spirits when we’re sleeping is common because our brains are relaxed and our vibrational level goes back to its factory presetting, the frequency of spirit, allowing them to communicate with us more easily.

So, Ronald and Ginger’s spirits didn’t visit you, rather, you peered into their past reality.


2 thoughts on “Spirit Visitation or Dream?”

  1. Thank u for sharing this as I have had many “dreams” myself that felt more real than this lifetime & premonitions as well.
    I nvr thot of it that way…that we peer into their world instead of them peering into ours which is how it felt to me too.
    Your reply was just as amazing as this story so kudos for that…well done.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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