Julie Ryan

Powerful Death Energy

Stephanie from Gravois Mills, MO, asked:

Hi Julie,

I just got your book and I’m super excited to start reading it. I’m also considering enrolling in your class.

Here’s a question I hope you can answer so that I may be able to positively interpret my loved one’s passing.

Ok, so, during transition, after weeks of lingering, two people were together in the death bed.

The visitor had her hands beneath the dying person, as in a gentle cradle position, praying for this person to find peace and the prayer repeats itself, almost becomes a chant.

Suddenly, a euphoria overcame the person praying and by now, the family had joined in behind her and they were all praying together.

Next, the dying woman opened her eyes, and looked straight into the eyes of the one holding her. At that moment, there was a sudden burst of energy through the holder’s head, abdomen, arms and hands, and the dying person was gone.

The visiting woman fell over as the passage of energy literally wracked right through her like a bolt of electricity and then it was all over.

Can you explain what happened?



Hi Stephanie,

Wow, what an experience that must have been for you and all of those present!

Most of us understand the concept that everything, including our bodies, is made of energy.

Furthermore, given, as Einstein so eloquently put it, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another”, the dying person’s energy (spirit) had to go somewhere when it transitioned.

In their research paper, Energy Field Changes Approaching and During the Death Experience, authors Susan Peck, PhD, Gail Course, and Der-Fa Lu, PhD, state, “The concept of the presence of electromagnetic fields underlying the pattern and organization of biological systems is not new and has been a basic tenet of medical systems such as traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.”

The researchers went on to say, “Consistent with reports in the literature, patterns of changes in the biofield observed during the dying process included the biofield decreasing in size and intensity from the feet upward, and chakras closing or reducing activity, from the root to the crown as the person moved closer to death. The energy field moved up and outward from the crown with death.”

Based on your account, since your friend’s hand was connected to the dying person’s body, she was able to feel when their spirit left their body. I believe the dying person’s energy engulfed a space including and adjacent to their body and your friend happened to be in that space.

In phase nine of what I describe as the Twelve Phases of Transition®, a vortex forms above the dying person’s head and assists their spirit in exiting from their body.

It has been my experience this vortex has an upward pull, is normally very powerful, and can differ in strength with each person’s death experience.

In addition, many of us have experienced the vibration generated from fervent prayer or musical worship in a group of people. Chanting, Gospel, and other genres of music have created a sometimes-euphoric feeling among participants since the beginning of time.

I believe your friend was able to feel the power of prayer and the vortex as their loved one passed.

This all seems like an amazing parting gift from the person who died, one that validates the “we’re all made of energy” concept for your friend, the others present, and all who read this story.

For more information about how our spirit leaves our body at the end of life, please read or listen to my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.



6 thoughts on “Powerful Death Energy”

  1. Stephanie Morrissey

    wow,,,,im speechless,,,,I have read the book,,,I swear by it,,,,and I suggest it to others ALOT,,,when Mom died I wasn’t sure if I was providing her the extra energy she needed,,,,or of she filled me with her energy to somehow help me deal with her loss,,,25 years later,,,,and in direct reflection of you response,,,I feel that I was the recipient of the gift of the experience,,,,i try so hard to remember always,,,that I know she went somewhere that night,,,,thank you again my friend,,,,,im gonna go cry now lol.

    1. How wonderful Stephanie. Thanks for your kind comments and for suggesting my book Angelic Attendants to others. I hope it comforts them too.

  2. Dear Julie. I was alone in the hospital with a dear friend keeping vigil when I realized her time had come. As I leaned over her body to say goodbye I was suddenly “jolted” back! Her spirit was leaving and I was in the way. The same thing happened with my dear dog Rosie. As she was being euthanized I just held her and cried but in her case I felt her spirit go right through me. They are both with me and a part of me forever.

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Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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