Julie Ryan

Deceased Cooks

Tricia from Olympia, WA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have often scoffed at events that have happened even when they were hard to deny. And, at the same time, I have felt my deceased sisters were nearby and trying to communicate with me through these events.

One incident that really got my attention more than 15 years ago involved a pair of blue topaz earrings. They were fine when I put them in the jewelry box and the stones were out of their settings the next time I went to put them on. These earrings are significant to me because my sister asked me to pick out a pair of her earrings to have to remember her and these are the ones I chose. In addition, her son, my nephew, wouldn’t let me near her jewelry after she passed. He cut off all contact with me and other family after the funeral.

Now I’m living in an old house in a different state and it has a gas oven I barely use. At least 4 times the oven has spontaneously turned itself on. One time I felt strongly it was my sisters using what they could to get my attention. Each time it happens, the oven isn’t on for long and goes off on its own.

Is this real contact from my sisters or is the oven broken? Months go by without incident and it seems to occur only when I am thinking of them.

If there is anything you can tell me I would appreciate it very much. I am living on savings and waiting to make a move, just haven’t felt where I’m meant to be or how I am meant to serve for the highest of all who find me. I have just discovered you and am so very grateful.

Will listen to your podcast and read your book. I understand if this message is not read or replied to. Just felt prompted to send it.

Thank you, Tricia

Hi Tricia,

Welcome to the “Woo-Woo” club! Sounds like you’re doing a terrific job of paying attention to your intuition, something we all have and often question or ignore.

In order to get some answers, I energetically connected to you, saw your sisters and your mother standing beside you and proceeded to ask them a few questions.

First of all, you’re correct. Your sisters and mother are behind the paranormal events you mentioned.

With regard to the Blue Topaz earrings, they told me the stones needed to be reset. They said the prongs weren’t secure and there was a risk of your wearing them and inadvertently losing a stone. They suggested taking the earrings to a jeweler and getting them fixed. They said it should be fairly inexpensive.

As for the oven, they knew it would get your attention and they want you to cook more. They said it would be healthier and less expensive. They mentioned watching you eat a lot of packaged foods.

Lastly, your mom and sisters wanted you to know they’re always around you asked me to teach you how to communicate with them. Here’s how … ask them a question or make a comment either aloud or in your head, then wait for an answer. It will come in the form of a thought within a second. If you think about the answer for more than a couple of seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you. Also, keep in mind, spirits are really literal so be specific when asking for advice.

Hope this clarifies a few things for you.

Thanks for listening to my show and for reading my book.

Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, and medical intuitive whose skills bring comfort and understanding to families during the dying process. Through her Twelve Phases of Transition®, she reveals the spiritual perspective of death, involving angels, deceased loved ones, and even pets. Julie’s insights provide peace by explaining what the dying person needs, whether they’re in pain, and how close they are to passing. Her work offers profound solace and a transformative view of life and death, making a challenging time more comforting and enlightening.

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