
Julie Ryan

C-Section and Joint Pain

Victoria from Spartanburg, SC, asked:

Hi Julie.

I am a new mother, and my baby girl is 7 months old.

Shortly after recovering from a C-section, I began noticing random joint pain especially in my wrists. With time it has gotten better but some days it flares up again.

I haven’t heard of too many women experiencing this post pregnancy and wasn’t sure where it started, as I had some mild joint pain prior to the pregnancy but not like this.

It’s like some days my entire body gets filled with it, especially after sleepless nights. I thought I’d see what you recommend. I listen to your podcasts every week.

Thanks Julie!

Hi Victoria,

Congrats on your new baby. At 7 months, she’s probably already doing lots of new tricks every day!

When scanning you I could see the inflammation in your wrists. Looks like the pain also shoots up into your forearms. I also saw inflammation (pain) to a lesser degree in your knees, and ankles.

In addition, you look exhausted although that’s pretty common for baby mommies.

So, in order to get some pain relief for you, I applied anti-inflammation energy to all the spots mentioned above. That combined with a generous dose of energy to combat your exhaustion will hopefully make you feel better.

The source of your symptoms, I believe, stems from the regional anesthesia (spinal block or epidural) you received during surgery and the antibiotics you received post-op.

A lot of anesthesia, including both general and regional, contain heavy metals that remain in the body after surgery. And antibiotics can wreak havoc on your immune system by killing off good gut bacteria.

Here are my suggestions:

1) Remember food is medicine. Go to bulletproof.com/diet and download the free food chart. Eat what’s on it.

2) Consider reading The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey;  Eat Fat-Get Thin by Mark Hyman, MD; and Fat for Fuel by Joseph Mercola, MD.

3) Be sure to add cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, along with citrus fruits, wild blueberries, and cilantro to your diet. All these foods are great heavy metal detoxers.

Hope this information helps.

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