
Julie Ryan

Membrane Breach

Katherine from Los Angeles, CA, asked:

Hi Julie, 

Ever since I left my meditation teacher over 13 years ago, I have had pain and tension in my solar plexus/diaphragm area. 

When I think about going to heaven with angelic attendants, I get this guilty and sad feeling that keeps me focused on that area and I can’t snap out of it. It’s chronic shame/guilt that years of counseling and talking with angels isn’t helping. 

I feel the origin is in my root chakra and it’s also attached to my throat. But I have tried everything and it’s still there, all the time and manifests as panic and difficulty lying down. 

Please tell me anything you can that may help relieve my symptoms or figure out the origin of the issue so I can heal it forever.  Thank you.

Hi Katherine,

In order to get more information about what’s causing your pain, I energetically connected with you in Los Angeles. When I got you on my radar, I could “see” a large, cannonball-sized hole in your energy field membrane over your solar plexus.

Our energy fields (spirits) are the everlasting part of us that has incarnated into a body to have a human experience. As I perceive it, each energy field has a very thin outer membrane that contains our spirit’s energy in order for it to support (power) our human bodies.

The hole in your energy field membrane is causing a massive energy leak in your system and not allowing your body to use its full power to heal and return to homeostasis.

Energy leaks are always caused by emotional trauma either in this or a past life and precede illness and disease. The emotional trauma can be something seemingly insignificant like someone called you a bad name when you were a small child and hurt your feelings, to something major like an accident. You may or may not remember the incident.

Whenever I see energy field membrane issues, I envision myself going into the hole or tear and I’m normally shown a mini-movie about what happened. I’m given information about your age at the time, who if anyone was with you, and a bit about the circumstances that transpired. Once the trauma is identified, the membrane will immediately get repaired and in turn, will facilitate healing in the body. I believe it’s an essential step in the whole getting well process.

In your case, I saw you at the age of 13 being beaten by a man. Based on the size and severity of the hole, I believe you have been physically abused for a good portion of your childhood and adult life.

As is always the case, once the emotional trauma was identified, I watched the hole in your energy field membrane get repaired and then shot energy through your body from your feet through the top of your head. You lit up like a beacon of light and are now working on full power.

I believe this “healing” will help your body end the pain and tension you’ve been feeling.