
Julie Ryan

Dallas Boyfriend

Brooke from Dallas, TX, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years now. Lately I’ve been feeling like maybe it isn’t working out anymore.

Should I try and make this work with him or is there someone else better out there for me?

If I hear it from you it’ll be more of a push since I’m in a weak place right now.

Thank you!

Hi Brooke,

With regard to your relationship, sounds like you’re already receiving intuitive guidance.

There are a couple of main ways our spirits communicate with us about relationships or anything else for that matter.

In your case, when you begin to question whether or not you want to spend time with your boyfriend or want to explore someone new, that’s guidance.

Also, when you think of him or are around him and you feel what we consider to be negative emotions (uneasiness, emotional pain, anger, etc.), that too is guidance.

The easiest way to get answers is to ask “Is it in my best interest to” and finish the sentence. Be as specific as possible. Spirits are very literal.

An intuitive response will come immediately, as fast as you can snap your fingers. If you think about it for more than a second, it’s your brain answering you.

So, when I ask, is it in Brooke’s best interest to continue a romantic relationship with her current boyfriend? I get a NO.

Is it in Brooke’s best interest to terminate her relationship with her current boyfriend? I also get a NO.

When I ask is it in Brooke’s best interest to terminate a romantic relationship with her current boyfriend? I get a YES.

See the difference? Perhaps it’s better for you to have your current boyfriend as just a friend who’s a boy!

You already know what to do. Life is supposed to be fun, so go find some fun!

Thanks for your question.