
Julie Ryan

Relationship and Career Guidance

Serena from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, asked:

“I’ve recently become very confused over a relationship I have with a boy. I feel as though I am being led on and being taken advantage of emotionally and giving more into this relationship than I should. I am just curious if I should keep giving my all into this and trying to make it work, or if I should just stop trying. Also, I am having trouble with what I want to do career wise, I’m not sure if I am on the right track, it would just be nice to have some extra guidance.”

Hi Serena,

Regarding your relationship with your boyfriend, I don’t get it’s in your best interest to continue dating him. Follow your gut. How does it feel when you’re with him? Is your questioning the relationship a red flag? Ask your intuition, “Is it in my best interest to …” and follow your own internal guidance.

As for your career, pick something that interests you and something you really enjoy, then find a way to monetize it. I get it could be something in the food services industry. Again, ask your intuition. It works with any and every question and will always steer you in the right direction.

Blessings, Julie

By Julie Ryan|2015-05-12T19:16:29+00:00May 12th, 2015