
Julie Ryan

Spirit Guides

Unveiling the Mysteries of Spiritual Encounters

Gabriele from Schwalbach am Taunus, Germany, asked:

Dear Julie,

Just watched your interview on Wisdom from North – truly inspiring, thank you!

In 1981, I experienced a profound NDE near the Taj Mahal in India. During this encounter, I found myself in an underground crypt with two sarcophagi, where an Indian man presented me with a flower. The room then transformed, expanding with shifting walls, until I regained consciousness hours later on my hotel bed, with no recollection of how I got there. The memory remains a blank slate, leaving me yearning for answers.

As a trained medium and channeler, I’ve delved into realms beyond the tangible, yet this experience eludes me. Can you offer guidance?

Thank you for your dedication to increasing awareness of the “unseen”.

With love, light, and blessings,

Gabriele from Germany

Hi Gabriele,

Thank you for your question and kind words.

Instead of a traditional Near Death Experience (NDE), I interpret your encounter as a spiritual journey akin to astral travel or a psychedelic exploration, where your spirit traversed realms beyond the physical.

In the vibrant aura of the Taj Mahal, known for its high vibrational energy, you tapped into a frequency that allowed you to access profound insights. The presence of the Indian man signifies a spirit guide, guiding you through your life review.

Regarding the missing hours and your sudden return to your hotel room, remember, time is a construct of the human mind. In the spiritual realm, time is fluid, and our spirits can transcend its limitations. It’s plausible that while your spirit was engaged in the life review, it simultaneously remained connected to your physical body allowing you to return to your hotel.

In my work, I often witness spirits existing in multiple places at once, reinforcing the idea that our spirits are not bound by the constraints of time and space.

Your experience is a precious gift, offering glimpses into the vastness of existence. Embrace it with gratitude and continue to explore the depths of your spiritual journey.

Hope this information helps you interpret your 1981 Indian adventure.


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Eternal Reflections: Insights Into the Afterlife

Rachel from Greencastle, PA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you tell me about my past lives? I need some type of proof to believe in reincarnation.

The idea of death terrifies me.

Can you help please?



Hi Rachel,

Past lives are a fascinating topic and one I enjoy discussing.

Over several years, I’ve had the opportunity to do what I call a past life scan with thousands of clients where I’ve seen (in my mind’s eye) one of their most significant past lives.

During the session, I “get” (receive as a thought) information such as names, place, year, and details, which can later be validated and corroborated with historic documents online.

Then, we figure out how this past life information correlates with what’s happening in the person’s current life. It’s always helpful.

As for proof of past lives, many books are available on this topic. Perhaps my favorites are written by Brian Weiss, MD. Dr. Weiss is a highly respected psychiatrist who learned about past lives while hypnotizing a patient. His research is worth exploring.

Another suggestion is to delve into Near Death Experiences also known as NDEs. Raymond Moody, MD is one of the foremost experts in this field. I recently interviewed Dr. Moody on my show when he shared a lot of enlightening bits of information about NDEs and his research.

Lastly, with regard to being afraid of death and proof of an afterlife, please know, we’re all surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets as we’re dying and then when we get to Heaven. By the way, everyone goes to Heaven.

My book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next details a process I call the Twelve Phases of Transition® and includes validating stories of families with whom I worked.

In addition, Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, discusses his university-based research validating what I “see” from a spiritual perspective in his book Death Is But A Dream. Dr. Kerr and I had an enlightening discussion when was a guest on my show.

All these resources can help satisfy your curiosity about life after death.

Please consider scheduling an appointment with me and we’ll access YOUR past lives.

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Spiritual Career Advice

Paige from Baxter, MN, asked:

Hi Julie,

Long time listener here reaching out from snowy Minnesota! I love listening to your podcasts and would appreciate your insight.

I am struggling at my current job and no longer feel like a vibrational match for the work I do. I feel stuck. I know that I can go out and find an alternate career to make money, but at this point I am truly looking for something that brings me fulfilment and joy rather than just a paycheck.

I am currently working for a Real Estate agency doing things such as marketing and agent training, along with a bunch of miscellaneous tasks. I have been doing my best to stay positive and be open to new opportunities but nothing has quite piqued my curiosity. My gut tells me it is in my best interest to leave my current position at this agency.

Would you or my guides have any advice for me in this instance?

Thank you, and much love!


Hi Paige,

Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my show.

If you were a trust fund baby and had more money than you could ever spend in a lifetime, what would you do for fun? Would you travel, start some type of philanthropy, or become a champion rock climber?

The first thoughts that enter your mind will be a clue from spirit (God, your spirit guides, angels, deceased loved ones, etc.) for how to proceed.

Every day we humans receive lots of spiritual guidance in the form of thoughts. Some thoughts feel bad or don’t make sense to us while others feel neutral or good. Thoughts that feel good are called intuition and are ideas/guidance from spirit.

Most intuitive thoughts go unheeded. We think them and either let them go intending to address these ideas at another time, or, we immediately think of why we can’t act on them.

For example, say you get a thought to visit Rome and you immediately think of reasons why you can’t go. You don’t speak Italian, don’t know anyone in Rome, don’t have the money to pay for a plane ticket, hotel and meals, and don’t have anyone to go with you. You get the idea.

So, to help you manifest your new career, pay attention to what interests and excites you. What do you want to learn more about? Then take a step in the direction of your interest. It may be as simple as visiting a website, reading a book, or watching a YouTube video on the subject.

You’ll be led to the next step and the one after that and so on. Trust everything is unfolding perfectly in the most optimal way and time. Expect the people and circumstances to show up right when you need them and they will. Stay focused on what you want not how you’ll get it. When we allow, our wishes can materialize in sometimes magical ways. When we try to control how or when something can or will happen, we block experiences that can be even better than what we’d imagined.

Pablo Picasso said, “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” I agree. The most important part of creating anything, including an amazing career for yourself, is to take action. Follow your interests and be open to where the journey leads you.

P.S. – Stay at your current job until you have another source of income to take its place!

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Feeling Deceased Parents

Candy from Brockport, NY, asked:

Hi Julie,

Since my parents’ deaths over two decades ago, I have felt very connected to them and other family members both on my side and my husband’s side. 

I sense messages in various ways. Primarily, I just “feel” their presence and usually quickly understand what they’re trying to convey. 

Can you confirm this? I do not feel it’s my imagination. 

If my assumptions are correct, could you please elaborate/explain? 

Thank you,


Hi Candy,

Thanks for your question.

You are absolutely correct! You are “feeling” their presence and receiving information from your deceased parents.

We’re all born with intuitive abilities and receive information from deceased loved ones, pets, angels, spirit guides, and others telepathically. It feels like a thought in our head.

The primary method through which we process information from spirit depends on how a person learns.

For example, if you need to see something to remember it, you’re a visual learner. Likewise, if you need to hear something to remember it, you’re an auditory learner, and if you need to feel something to remember it, you’re a kinesthetic learner. You fall into the last (kinesthetic) category.

Once a person learns to trust the information they receive from spirit, the easier it becomes and often additional modalities (visual, auditory, direct knowing) can be realized.

You’ll know you’re communicating with spirit when they respond within a second or less.

One of my Intuitive Trainings can help you further develop your telepathic/medium/psychic skills.

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Dying Wishes

Estelle from Manchester, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am 27 years old and I’m currently facing stage 4 terminal cancer.

Firstly, could you please send some healing energy my way?

Also, can you please help me meet my spirit guides to aid me in this journey? I think I have met one but would like to hear from you about my guides if possible.

Lastly could you send a message to my grandma and Uncle Steve and ask them to watch over me, my husband and beautiful baby girl through this time in our lives?

Thank you so much!


Hi Estelle,

Thanks for your note.

To help you in your journey, I energetically connected to you and saw you’re in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition®. This means you have begun the transition to Heaven and are surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones (including your grandma and Uncle Steve) and pets.

Everyone goes through all the Twelve Phases regardless of how they pass. It can happen instantly, take days, weeks, months or even years. And, you can completely withdraw from the Phases. I’ve seen people in Phase 11 decide to live and go on to experience a long life.

Having said all that, I’m unable to do a medical scan on you while you’re in the Phases since your spirit is out of your body. (Our spirit acts as the power source for the body.) I did, however, send healing energy to you.

Please remember, everything can be healed and a healing can take many forms. Sometimes, death is the healing.

As for your spirit guides, we normally have seven with us at any given time. You have 17 and they’re dispersed in the crowd of deceased loved ones around you!

Your main spirit guide’s name is David and you can chat with him anytime you wish. Just say something to him either aloud or in your head. His answer will immediately come in and will feel like a thought in your head. You’ll know it’s him when you get a response within a second.

I’m forwarding copies of my books Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next and my children’s books Angel Messages For Kids and Angel Messages For Dogs. In addition, you may want to watch my interview with hospice director Dr. Chris Kerr whose research shows loved ones’ spirits surrounding people at the end of their lives.

Hope this information provides some comfort to you and your family.

Sending big hugs and lots of love from Sweet Home Alabama!

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Transparent Man

Cary from Wilmington, DE, asked:

Hi Julie,

My husband has head and neck cancer and is currently undergoing chemo to treat it. 

This morning when I awoke, I saw what looked like a transparent man, with a checkered shirt and his hand in his pocket at the foot of our bed looking at my husband. I blinked and he was gone. Could that have been real and who was it? So strange for it to happen now.

I look forward to speaking with you in October, hard as I tried that is the earliest appointment I could schedule.

Thanks Julie.

Fondly, Cary

Hi Cary,

So sorry to hear about your husband. Hope his treatment goes well.

As for the transparent man, you saw a spirit, and yes, he was real. That’s exactly how they appear, like a hologram of a person.

To get some information for you, I did an “instant replay” of the spirit visiting your bedroom and asked the spirit his name. He said “Uncle John”.

I then asked “Uncle John” if he had a message for you or your husband. His response was, “This will, at times, seem like a tortuous journey for both of you. Please remember, as you progress down this path, you have the full support of the spirit community. That includes Spirit (God), your angels, guides, deceased loved ones, the whole group. Feel free to call on us when you need to be propped up and know we’re always there for you.”

Remember, you can communicate with Spirit any time you like. Just say something. They’ll answer you within a second. It’ll feel like a thought in your head. If you think about an answer, for more than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain answering you.

As for our October appointment, periodically check the “reschedule” button at the bottom of your confirmation email. It’ll show earlier appointments when they become available. Clients often reschedule.

Sending big hugs to you and your husband!


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Smoking Spirit

Vita from Tampa, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am writing to you because I need help figuring out who the ghost is I keep smelling in my house. 

Intuitively, I can feel a presence, but can’t communicate with it. It also feels like someone sits on my bed at night when I am laying down. 

Since I am very sensitive to energies around me, I’d like to know if this spirit is good or bad and what it needs from me. 

Why am I the only one in my house who can smell and feel it? 

How can I help it get to the light or if it’s a guide, what is it trying to communicate to me? 

Please help me.  I do not smoke so it really bothers me when the odor becomes really strong.

Thank you,


Hi Vita,

Thanks for your question about the smoky smell in your home. It’s an interesting one and speaks to a phenomenon I too have encountered many times.

Psychic or intuitive information can be communicated a multitude of ways. Visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), olfactory (smelling), and direct knowing are all modalities spirits use to convey information to us and let us know they’re around.

To get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and “saw” in my mind’s eye, the spirit using the smell of smoke and sitting on your bed to get your attention.

While alive, his name was Thomas Pennington, he was a writer who lived in Calgary, Alberta, Canada in 1924 and he told me he’s one of your spirit guides.

Thomas wants you to consider doing automatic writing to enhance your intuitive skills. A how-to book I highly recommend is Michael Sandler’s Automatic Writing Experience.

By the way, all spirits are pure love. Evil or bad spirits don’t exist. Personality traits, both positive and negative a person had while alive cease to exist when they die.

In addition, we all come in with intuitive abilities and yours seem to be a bit more developed than others who live with you. That’s why they aren’t perceiving the smoke.

Lastly, if you really want to strengthen your intuitive skills, please consider taking my Angelic Attendant Training class. In it, you’ll have a blast and learn how to do all the woo-woo things I do.

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Spirit Guide Defined

Marie from Corby, North Northamptonshire, England asked:

Hi Julie,

I just have connected with my spirit guides and I was wondering if you could see and tell me more about them.

Thank you,


Hi Marie,

Thanks for your question. Congrats on connecting with your spirit guides.

It has been my experience that at any given time, each of us (including you) is surrounded by multiple spirit guides, normally seven.

A spirit guide is the energy (spirit) of a deceased person who advises us while we’re having a human experience. In most instances, our spirit guides have lived one or more lifetimes involving similar situations as to what we’re exploring in our current lifetime.

For example, your main spirit guide is a fellow who lived in County Derry (now Londonderry) in Ireland in 1817. His name was John O’Malley and he grew up on a dairy farm. He told me he is advising you on being able to focus on the tasks at hand and completing them in a punctual way.

There’s always a correlation between what the spirit guide did/learned in the past life that’s shown and what’s happening in your life.

Are you working on a project that requires your focus within a certain time window? Or, do you perhaps struggle with completing tasks in any area of your life?

You can communicate with your spirit guide or guides any time you wish. Just ask them a question or make a statement either aloud or in your head. They’ll immediately respond and it’ll feel like a thought in your mind. You’ll know the answer is from spirit when the thought arrives within a second or less after you say something to them. And remember, spirits are very literal so be specific when looking for guidance.

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Guardian Angel and Grandma

Lushan from Dubai, UAE, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please connect with my grandmom and guardian angel and see if either or both have a message for me?

I’d also like to know the name of my guardian angel.



Hi Lushan,

I’ll be delighted to connect with your grandmother and guardian angel.

First, your grandmother said you’re a beautiful girl and you shy away from any reference to your looks. She went on to say your beauty is a gift from God and to embrace it. She also said if you work on enhancing your self-esteem, more people will notice you and you can then spread your inner beauty to many others.

As for your guardian angel, I was told its name is Michaela.

Remember, spirits don’t have a gender. We’re just used to equating a name with a gender and that’s fine. It helps us have a frame of reference for what we understand as humans.

Michaela wanted you to know it is always around you and is available to assist you at any time. All you have to do is ask.

Angels and spirits don’t interfere with our lives but they love to help us if invited to.

So, ask away and let your grandmother and guardian angel assist you.

Thanks for such a great question.

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