
Julie Ryan

Ask Julie Ryan

Key to Healing Migraines

Donna from Wellton, AZ, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am an almost 70-year-old woman searching for someone who can help me with migraines. Going the doctor route just didn’t feel right for me so I scoured Google, then You Tube, and that’s where I found you. I have viewed your web site, watched many of your podcasts, read your blog, and have loved everything I heard and saw.

My hope is to find the source of sudden migraine auras that appear multiple times every day. They create a pounding in one of my temples. I truly feel there’s something underlying this outbreak, and just don’t know where to go (eye doctor, neurologist, or perhaps address the bad gut health I know I have.) 

In February, I had a sudden onslaught of 4 painful migraines, 3 days in a row, and now this.

I truly pray for any help and guidance. Thank you.

With Love and Gratitude,


Hi Donna,

As a former migraine sufferer (of 40 years) myself, I know how excruciating they can be.

To get some information for you, I energetically connected to you. I believe hormones, mold exposure, and yeast overgrowth/leaky gut are the issues causing your symptoms.

First, you looked like a wilting plant in need of water which means your estrogen levels are almost non-existent. I added some energetic estrogen to your body and you immediately perked up. To learn about bioidentical hormones, go to drnorthrup.com.

Next, you have yeast overgrowth in your GI tract and what’s known as “leaky gut”. Harvard University Medical School says, “An unhealthy gut lining may have large cracks or holes, allowing partially digested food, toxins, and bugs to penetrate the tissues beneath it”. I did an energetic healing on you, removed the yeast, and closed the leaks.

Lastly, you’re being exposed to mold. Is there a water leak in your home or workplace? I energetically cleared the mold from your body. To get educated on how mold can affect your health, please go to moldymovie.com.

Now that an energetic healing has happened, you’ll want to address these issues on the physical level. Please consider working with a functional medicine doctor who can help you heal yourself. Maria Amasanti, MD can help you do that.

In addressing my hormone, mold exposure, and leaky gut/yeast overgrowth issues, I have been able to live migraine-free for the past 24 years and you can too.

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Healing Emotional Trauma

Sarah from Detroit, MI, asked:

Hi Julie,

Since I was a little girl of about 5 years old, I experienced trauma which over time has manifested in my mind and body. This has affected my spirit and made me feel dead and cold inside.

I’ve been attempting to heal myself in different ways by trying to listen to my body and how I feel in certain situations.

I believe there are things going on in my psyche that have manifested deep within my body and I’m finding it frustrating to clear them.

How can I find the right tools and teachers to better aid me in my healing journey? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you kindly,


Hi Sarah,

Sounds like you’ve been very brave in your efforts to heal from childhood trauma. Bravo!

It’s been my experience that all medical conditions are rooted in an emotional event, be it simple or dramatic, from this or a past lifetime, that produce an energy block. Energy blocks look like kernels of unpopped popcorn to me.

Over time, other emotional events’ energy piles onto that initial block producing enough pressure to cause a rupture in the energy field membrane (the container that holds the spirit’s and body’s energy; looks like a thin plastic bag). Leaks in the energy field membrane allow a medical condition to manifest. To learn more about the energy field membrane, please read my book Angelic Attendants.

In the meantime, in addition to working with a licensed psychotherapist, here are several suggestions:

– To help you discern what’s a real fear from a fake fear and keep your body from going into disease-causing fight or flight mode, please read my Two-Minute Rule book.

– To help you overcome limiting beliefs, check out the Lefko Institute. Their techniques are stellar and have helped a lot of people.

– To identify and clear your primary energy block, heal your energy field membrane, allow your body to work on full power, heal and maintain health, please schedule an appointment with me.

Thanks for submitting such an important question.

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Dad’s Time Left

Gina from Shrewsbury, MA, asked:

Hello Julie, 

I’m just amazed with your work and new to the spiritual phenomena side of the dying process.   

As a nurse, daughter, and first born to an Italian Stallion, 89-year-old dad, I’m wondering if you can help my 4 siblings and me.

My dad could use some spiritual healing. He’s been told he has six months to live and we five children are caring for him 24/7.

We’re doing our best to be supportive/positive and make both parents comfortable in this journey and we’re at our wits end trying to manage the time we have left with him.

We’re seeking palliative care but my dad really wants to know how long he has, wants to prove the doctor wrong, and live to his 90th birthday in July.

Can you please let us know what you’re “seeing”? I know you probably get millions of emails and pray you see this one.

Thank you.


Hi Gina,

God bless you and your family as you go through this time with your dad. End-of-life care is exhausting for everyone attending to the dying person so be sure to look for the little miracles along the way. They’ll be plentiful.

Your dad is in Phase 7 of the Twelve Phases of Transition®. That means his spirit is out of his body and is attached to the top of his head in a speech bubble configuration. He is surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased family, friends, and pets.

I always telepathically ask three questions to a dying person. Are you ready to go? He said, “No”. Are you in pain? He responded, “Sometimes”. And, what do you need? He said, “More time with my family”.

As to how long he’ll live, it’s anyone’s guess. His spirit is in control of that decision. We all choose when, where, how and who’s with us when we transition.

Right now, I “get” he will make his July birthday. Please remember, however, future events are fluid and a multitude of variables can affect an outcome.

For more information about what happens at the end of life from a spiritual perspective, please read my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. I believe you’ll find it informative and comforting.

Sending hugs to you and your family!

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Dog’s Cancerous Tumor

Vic from Apex, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a very sick pet named Miles who is dear to me and has a cancerous tumor.

I’m trying to save him and feel very conflicted. I’m very, very, upset and don’t have the clarity needed to deal with this situation.

Time is of the essence so I appreciate any guidance you can offer me even if it means I send him to Heaven.

I don’t know what to do and don’t want to make the wrong decision. My friend told me that you could assist me.

Please help Julie.

Warm regards,


Hi Vic,

So sorry to hear about Miles.

To get some guidance for you, I first energetically connected to you and then from you to Miles.

At the end of life, humans’ and animals’ spirits exit the top of the head and stay attached in a bubble configuration. Looks like a speech bubble.

Energetic healing only happens when the spirit is inside the body. At this moment, Miles’ spirit is in his body which means he isn’t dying.

With that in mind, I asked Miles the following questions:

Are you ready to go? He said, “Not quite yet”.

Are you in pain? He said, “At times, but it isn’t unbearable”.

Do you want to be euthanized? He said “Eventually”.

Lastly, I asked Miles how he’d let you know when he wanted to go to Heaven. He replied, “When I stop eating and drinking and sleep most of the time.”

Miles also told me he did not want cancer treatment.

Hope this information helps you enjoy the time you have left with your beloved pet.

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Eradicate Stress and Anxiety

Sofia from Raleigh, NC, asked:

Hi Julie,

Thank you for this space to ask about my current body fatigue & pain.

What can I do to heal myself and feel energetic, youthful, vital, whole, pain free, joyful, have a luscious head of hair and express my beauty again?

Since my husband’s passing in 2019, I have taken on a lot of things that were not my choice and have felt anxious, overwhelmed, and put-upon by them.

I just want to feel even more alive and joyful than I did before his transition.

Please give me guidance.

Thank you so very much.


Hi Sofia,

My sincere condolences on the passing of your husband.

All thoughts and emotions that feel bad are based in fear. Anger, grief, jealously, boredom, actual fear, etc., are all great examples of this concept.

Now, it’s important to remember that humans are hardwired for fear. It’s what keeps us alive.

The only challenge is, our bodies don’t know the difference between something that will actually harm us and something that’s just a stressful situation.

Whenever we feel fear, our bodies go into fight or flight, release cortisol and other stress hormones, and lose clarity. These chemicals also create inflammation, the root cause of any type of pain.

So, the next time you feel bad, just ask yourself the following question, “Will this kill me in the next two minutes”? It’ll be a yes or no answer.

If the answer is yes, that’ll be a rational (real) fear. Change the conditions before you’re hurt or even killed.

If however, the answer is no (and it will be 99% of the time), you know your emotions are based in an irrational fear and it’s false. You’re just using your imagination to envision something you don’t want.

Implement the Two-Minute Rule® and make it a habit. It’ll decrease your anxiety and stress levels and will help you live a life of abundance and joy.

For more information about and examples of this technique, please check out my new book, The Two-Minute Rule: The Key to an Amazing Life.

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Spirit Visitation or Dream?

Lisa from Marcola, OR, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently had what I think was a visitation from two spirits and I’m hoping you can tell me if it was a visitation, or just a wacky dream. If  it was a visitation, what were they trying to tell me?

Here is the story:

My husband and I went with a couple of our friends to the Mizpah Hotel (supposed to be haunted) in Tonopah, Nevada.

It did feel a little eerie in parts of the hotel, but because it’s over 100 years old and is supposed to be haunted, I figured it was my imagination working overtime.

I had trouble falling asleep and woke up around 3am, heard a knock on the door, and saw two people walk into our room. They looked to be in their early 30’s and wore 1940’s style clothing.

The young woman walked around the bed and stood by my husband. She was holding a clip board and was writing something down. The man was standing in front of the bed talking to me.

While this was happening, I was paralyzed, and couldn’t move or talk. I also tried to wake up my husband to see if he could see these two people/spirits. I didn’t recognize them but knew they were from the past because of how they were dressed.

When I was finally able to talk, I looked over at my husband next to me and he was awake. He’d been reading a book on his Kindle the whole time. He had heard me try to talk, but right before that he also thought he heard a knock at the door!

Was I just dreaming or did I really see two spirits and why did they come to our room?

Thank you for your help.


Hi Lisa,

Wow! Sounds like you absolutely experienced a visit from a couple of spirits.

How you can tell the difference between a dream and a visit from a spirit/spirits, is, among other things, a visit seems as if it’s in high definition. The colors are more vibrant, all your senses seem heightened, the hair on your arms or back of your neck may stand up, you may have goosebumps, and, you remember vivid details about the encounter.

To get more information for you, I did an instant replay of that night in the Mizpah Hotel at 3am.

Your room had an early 20th century décor and your husband was on the side of the bed nearest to the door.

The spirits you saw were a man named Ronald (the hotel general manager) and the woman’s name was Ginger. She was the head of housekeeping. They were doing their quarterly inspection of all the rooms.

I believe you witnessed what’s known as a parallel reality. Since time doesn’t exist in the spirit world, everything that has happened, is still happening, and has its own frequency. Sometimes those frequencies intersect with our current reality and we see glimpses of them.

Although we don’t yet have the technology to detect this phenomenon, the human mind can be trained to perceive past lives, events, realities. Mystics, shamans, medicine men, etc. have been accessing parallel realties since the beginning of time. I learned this skill and now teach it to my students.

In addition, receiving messages and visits from spirits when we’re sleeping is common because our brains are relaxed and our vibrational level goes back to its factory presetting, the frequency of spirit, allowing them to communicate with us more easily.

So, Ronald and Ginger’s spirits didn’t visit you, rather, you peered into their past reality.


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Multiple Sclerosis Energetic Healing

Sue from Melbourne, Australia, asked:

Hi Julie,

Your work is amazing!

I have Multiple Sclerosis and have been experiencing some flare-ups of my symptoms.

I have lesions in my spine and brain and have weakness on my right side, particularly my leg.

It would be so wonderful if you could do a scan/healing on me.

Much love,  


Hi Sue,

It’d be my honor to do a scan/healing with you.

First I energetically connected my spirit to yours and saw a hologram of you in my mind’s eye. I saw (again in my mind’s eye) three lesions on your spine and 3 in your brain.

The lesions were scooped out and the divots left behind were filled with stem cell energy that replaced the areas with healthy spine and brain tissue.

Next, a tune-up of sorts was done on the entire neurological system throughout your body, followed by a healing on three strands of your DNA. The mutations were corrected and the DNA went back to a normal configuration.

There’s always an emotional component in place before any disease, illness, or medical condition materializes. In your case, I saw you as a crying little girl around the age of nine, having a confrontation with a woman, possibly your mother. The woman was being very harsh with you. Do you have any memory of that?

Emotional events cause an energy block in the body that eventually leads to an energy leak. Once we illuminated the emotional event that caused your energy block, it was eradicated, and your body went back to working on full power. This will help you heal, regain, and maintain your health.

Please read about Terry Wahls, MD’s protocol for MS and other diseases. Dr. Wahls is a practicing physician and professor at the University of Iowa medical school. She has been able to reverse her own MS symptoms using a diet and lifestyle program she created.

Hope you feel better!

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Guardian Angel Visit

Elizabeth from St. Helens, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

After being admitted to hospital in August 2022, my partner of 23 years was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We were devastated! I went home alone and cried myself to sleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but I awoke and immediately, the awful events of the day hit me again. I could feel the sadness welling up inside me and then I suddenly had this feeling of such peace, love, and contentment. I felt like I was in a cocoon of light, not bright light, more like candlelight. It felt like someone had wrapped their arms around me and was telling me all would be well! I knew my wonderful partner was going to die, but I knew he was going to be part of the love and peace that I was feeling at that moment! 

Sadly, he passed in November 2022, but not before I told him about my experience. I knew he wasn’t afraid of death because he always believed there was more after we pass.

My partner knew I was telling him the truth and I believe my reinforcing his belief in an afterlife made his passing easier for us both! Was this my Guardian Angel?



Hi Elizabeth,

Absolutely! What you felt at that moment of total despair was your Guardian Angel and “Spirit” in general comforting you.

As children, we’re taught that everything is made of energy, and when we grow up, that concept is broadened with atoms, electrons, and quantum physics concepts like quarks, fermions, hypothetical particles, etc.

Angels, Spirit Guides, deceased loved ones, etc., are all part of what I consider to be God/Source/Spirit, are all energy, and are designed to help us understand God from a human perspective.

I believe we’re not meant to figure out the science of Spirit, just a tiny bit of the concept. That’s why the Bible and many other religious texts are in parable or story form. It’s a way for people to grasp the God/Energy/Source concept.

The Bible (Genesis 1:27) says we’re made in the image and likeness of God. Although most of us think that means God looks like a human, I believe it means we’re made in the image and likeness of God in spirit/energy form.

Having said all that, Spirit communicates with us in a way we can fathom, normally in the form of visions, feelings, or senses.

Spirit often interacts with us in dreams or upon awakening. That’s because our vibrational level has reset to its normal, high frequency, pre-set point, that of Spirit. When we sleep, our brains rest and we get a break from our problems and busy thoughts allowing us to receive information on the spirit channel/frequency.

Your Angel visit was a beautiful gift and reminder that you (and all of us) are never alone. We’re always surrounded by the love of Spirit, however it appears to us.

For more information, please read my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next book.

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Did He Know He Was Dying?

Jan from Kilkenny, Ireland, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am American but I live in Ireland, where I met my partner, the love of my life, my heart, my home. If ever there was a definition of soulmates and kindred spirits, it was us.

In November, 2021, my love had what we thought was pneumonia, but he was young, strong, fit, and ignored it, said he felt fine, and wanted nothing to do with doctors.

I eventually got him seen and several different doctors confirmed a pneumonia diagnosis. Unfortunately, they were all wrong. Turns out he had a very rare form of lung cancer.

The doctors told me 80% of patients with this illness could be treated with molecular-targeted chemo. Again, they were mistaken and he died ten days later.

Can you tell me, when did his soul know he wasn’t going to make it, when did he consciously know, and how did I miss it?

He asked me if I thought he had cancer, and I said, “No, but you do have a very serious life-threatening illness”. I didn’t tell him when the test results came back. I was scared, I didn’t know what to do, I wanted us to hope.

Is he angry at me and will he ever forgive me for not telling him?



Hi Jan,

I’m so sorry to hear about your soulmate and extend my sincere condolences.

Please know, we all (that is, our spirits) decide when, where, how, and with whom we die. Ask any hospice or end-of-life medical provider or caregiver and they’ll have countless stories about a loved one or patient waiting until someone arrives or leaves before taking their last breath.

To get some answers to your questions, I first energetically connected to you and from you to your honey’s spirit. Here’s what he “told” me (telepathically) …

He said he consciously knew about a week before he passed that he was dying. He said his soul knew before his first symptoms appeared, and he said you weren’t supposed to know because he needed and wanted you right there with him.

As for him forgiving you, he said there wasn’t anything to forgive. He said until the end, you were the best partner he could’ve ever imagined.

He also wants you to know he’s always around you and suggests you keep a bouquet of yellow flowers to remind you of him. He showed me a vase of yellow daffodils in the spring, yellow iris and/or lilies in the summer, and yellow roses and silk flowers in the winter.

He was so specific about yellow flowers that I researched their symbolism. Among other things, yellow flowers are used to honor loved ones after they have passed. Thought that was spot on!

Although your love’s passing won’t ever make sense to you, I hope this information helps you heal.

Please consider reading my Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into the Next book. I believe it will comfort you.

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