
Julie Ryan

MIND-BLOWING! ELEVATE How You Think About ENERGY HEALING! Channeling Spirit LIVE to Help YOU! – #506

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In this episode:

In this week’s episode of the Ask Julie Ryan Show, spiritual healing and intuitive guidance take center stage. Julie connects with listeners from across the country, offering distance energy healing and practical advice for various health concerns, such as lethargy, head pressure, and brain fog.

Listeners witness the power of spiritual connections as Julie helps Ayumi’s aunt in Japan through spiritual scanning, revealing a concussion and demonstrating collective healing intentions. The show explores the mystical aspects of guardian angels and spirit communication, providing strategies for recognizing and following spiritual guidance. Intuitive career and life advice are given to Angela from Cleveland and Julie from Miramar, Florida, encouraging them to pursue their passions.

Health issues like yeast overgrowth and cervical dystonia are addressed with dietary solutions and energetic healing. Julie offers compassionate support for Denise’s husband’s rash and Karen’s muscle spasms following her husband’s death. The episode concludes with comforting messages from angels and departed pets, providing emotional support to those dealing with loss. Join for an episode brimming with healing, guidance, and spiritual connection.

Episode Chapters with Short Key Points:

(0:00:01) – Health Concerns Discussed

Recent events, upcoming Ask Julie Ryan: LIVE event, winning free sessions, and caller’s health concerns are discussed in this episode.

(0:04:46) – Distance Energy Healing for Brain Injury

Raising vibrations, connecting spiritually, and facilitating healing through a session with two participants.

(0:16:08) – Exploring Guidance and Spirit Communication

Spirits, guardian angels, following intuition, recognizing guidance, finding joy, career advice, passion, financial concerns.

(0:24:05) – Yeast Overgrowth Remedies and Consultation

Systemic antifungal treatment, dietary guidelines, consulting a holistic practitioner, and benefits of attending events in person.

(0:41:32) – Messages From Angels and Heartfelt Goodbyes

Angels provide protection, deceased pets offer comfort, and intercession helps loved ones pass peacefully.

(0:52:21) – Healing Neck Spasms With Good Fat

Karen struggles with cervical dystonia and grief after losing her husband, while we discuss the benefits of Brain Octane Oil and a proper diet.

Episode Transcript

More helpful information:

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