
Julie Ryan

Past Lives

Unveiling the Mysteries of Spiritual Encounters

Gabriele from Schwalbach am Taunus, Germany, asked:

Dear Julie,

Just watched your interview on Wisdom from North – truly inspiring, thank you!

In 1981, I experienced a profound NDE near the Taj Mahal in India. During this encounter, I found myself in an underground crypt with two sarcophagi, where an Indian man presented me with a flower. The room then transformed, expanding with shifting walls, until I regained consciousness hours later on my hotel bed, with no recollection of how I got there. The memory remains a blank slate, leaving me yearning for answers.

As a trained medium and channeler, I’ve delved into realms beyond the tangible, yet this experience eludes me. Can you offer guidance?

Thank you for your dedication to increasing awareness of the “unseen”.

With love, light, and blessings,

Gabriele from Germany

Hi Gabriele,

Thank you for your question and kind words.

Instead of a traditional Near Death Experience (NDE), I interpret your encounter as a spiritual journey akin to astral travel or a psychedelic exploration, where your spirit traversed realms beyond the physical.

In the vibrant aura of the Taj Mahal, known for its high vibrational energy, you tapped into a frequency that allowed you to access profound insights. The presence of the Indian man signifies a spirit guide, guiding you through your life review.

Regarding the missing hours and your sudden return to your hotel room, remember, time is a construct of the human mind. In the spiritual realm, time is fluid, and our spirits can transcend its limitations. It’s plausible that while your spirit was engaged in the life review, it simultaneously remained connected to your physical body allowing you to return to your hotel.

In my work, I often witness spirits existing in multiple places at once, reinforcing the idea that our spirits are not bound by the constraints of time and space.

Your experience is a precious gift, offering glimpses into the vastness of existence. Embrace it with gratitude and continue to explore the depths of your spiritual journey.

Hope this information helps you interpret your 1981 Indian adventure.


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Unraveling the Mysteries of Past Lives

Matt from Randolph, WI, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am always fascinated by the many things I hear from you.

Could you explain something about current and past lives?

I get the idea that we reincarnate and can go back and look at many lives lived.

Is it one spirit in all? Is one a spirit, the others the soul? Something else?

I’d appreciate it if you would talk about this on your show so I can re-listen to it.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


Hi Matt,

I appreciate your curiosity about past lives. I too find this topic fascinating.

In my experience, each spirit or soul, which I use interchangeably, undergoes countless lifetimes in different incarnations.

During a past life scan, valuable information often comes forth, and interestingly, it can sometimes be verified through historical records. What I’ve observed is, each spirit maintains a consistent frequency throughout its various lifetimes. To tap into a past life, it’s similar to tuning into a specific frequency, much like adjusting your car radio to a particular station. It’s always the same spirit in each lifetime.

When seeking information about a previous life, setting the intention and focusing on a specific question, such as whether you were a teacher in a past life, can yield details about the time, place, and circumstances of that existence, often providing clarity about our current life.

In addition, there’s an intriguing aspect of past lives where some believe our spirit lives multiple lifetimes concurrently. While it’s challenging for me to fully grasp this concept, I acknowledge the possibility. I prefer not to dwell too deeply on this aspect and trust that we will gain a clearer understanding when we return to the spiritual realm.

I hope this explanation provides some clarity on the concept of past lives for you.



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Eternal Reflections: Insights Into the Afterlife

Rachel from Greencastle, PA, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you tell me about my past lives? I need some type of proof to believe in reincarnation.

The idea of death terrifies me.

Can you help please?



Hi Rachel,

Past lives are a fascinating topic and one I enjoy discussing.

Over several years, I’ve had the opportunity to do what I call a past life scan with thousands of clients where I’ve seen (in my mind’s eye) one of their most significant past lives.

During the session, I “get” (receive as a thought) information such as names, place, year, and details, which can later be validated and corroborated with historic documents online.

Then, we figure out how this past life information correlates with what’s happening in the person’s current life. It’s always helpful.

As for proof of past lives, many books are available on this topic. Perhaps my favorites are written by Brian Weiss, MD. Dr. Weiss is a highly respected psychiatrist who learned about past lives while hypnotizing a patient. His research is worth exploring.

Another suggestion is to delve into Near Death Experiences also known as NDEs. Raymond Moody, MD is one of the foremost experts in this field. I recently interviewed Dr. Moody on my show when he shared a lot of enlightening bits of information about NDEs and his research.

Lastly, with regard to being afraid of death and proof of an afterlife, please know, we’re all surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets as we’re dying and then when we get to Heaven. By the way, everyone goes to Heaven.

My book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next details a process I call the Twelve Phases of Transition® and includes validating stories of families with whom I worked.

In addition, Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD, discusses his university-based research validating what I “see” from a spiritual perspective in his book Death Is But A Dream. Dr. Kerr and I had an enlightening discussion when was a guest on my show.

All these resources can help satisfy your curiosity about life after death.

Please consider scheduling an appointment with me and we’ll access YOUR past lives.

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Obsessed With Past Lover

Carly from Stuart, FL, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’m currently in a serious committed relationship with a man I love (John) and I cannot seem to get past a former “situationship” with a man named Josh.

Josh and I had a very brief relationship but it was wild, crazy, and passionate, and was as if our souls connected. Circumstances didn’t allow us to be together.

It’s been almost four years now, but somehow this fling with Josh is still sticking around and is connected to me energetically. I dream about him and the next day I’ll have a message from him. It seems we are still on each other’s minds, and our hearts are still connected. Although Josh is in a relationship, he’s made it known that he feels this nagging too.

Can you tell me what this is? Is there some sort of past life or other connection between Josh and me? Or, is this simply anxiety over what could have been?

Please help me, it eats at me every single day.

Thank you so much, you are such a beautiful light in this world.


Hi Carly,

Thanks for your question. It’s one many of us can relate to.

Are you and Josh soulmates? Absolutely. You’ve been together in 435 lifetimes playing a variety of roles, not just lovers. By the way, you’re also soulmates with your current beau John.

The concept of just one “soulmate” being your eternal romantic partner is a myth and has been crafted over the years by playwrights, movies, and the entertainment and publishing industries because it sells.

In reality, everyone with whom you cross paths whether they be a parent, sibling, colleague, friend, or enemy, is a soulmate.

It has become apparent to me, in working with thousands of clients over the years, that everyone’s spirit/soul incarnates to explore a multitude of experiences. A semblance of an experience can present itself in many subsequent lifetimes in order for us to explore it from different perspectives.

For example, perhaps Josh was your mother in a past life who died birthing you, and, in this lifetime, you shared unrequited love. In both instances, you loved each other and couldn’t be together. Same basic script with different circumstances.

Now, how to get over Josh. It’s fairly common to obsess over a former love for a period of time and can become problematic when it continues and has the potential to disrupt your life.

In her book Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love, psychologist Lisa Bobby, PhD, says, “Cutting emotional ties can feel almost like ending an addiction. Getting over an ex can be like kicking a chemical habit.”

From what you mentioned above, it seems you may be in the ex-love addiction quagmire and may want to begin to break free of Josh by reading Dr. Bobby’s book. That, and by immediately blocking Josh from your cell phone.

Hope this helps.

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Spirit Visitation or Dream?

Lisa from Marcola, OR, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently had what I think was a visitation from two spirits and I’m hoping you can tell me if it was a visitation, or just a wacky dream. If  it was a visitation, what were they trying to tell me?

Here is the story:

My husband and I went with a couple of our friends to the Mizpah Hotel (supposed to be haunted) in Tonopah, Nevada.

It did feel a little eerie in parts of the hotel, but because it’s over 100 years old and is supposed to be haunted, I figured it was my imagination working overtime.

I had trouble falling asleep and woke up around 3am, heard a knock on the door, and saw two people walk into our room. They looked to be in their early 30’s and wore 1940’s style clothing.

The young woman walked around the bed and stood by my husband. She was holding a clip board and was writing something down. The man was standing in front of the bed talking to me.

While this was happening, I was paralyzed, and couldn’t move or talk. I also tried to wake up my husband to see if he could see these two people/spirits. I didn’t recognize them but knew they were from the past because of how they were dressed.

When I was finally able to talk, I looked over at my husband next to me and he was awake. He’d been reading a book on his Kindle the whole time. He had heard me try to talk, but right before that he also thought he heard a knock at the door!

Was I just dreaming or did I really see two spirits and why did they come to our room?

Thank you for your help.


Hi Lisa,

Wow! Sounds like you absolutely experienced a visit from a couple of spirits.

How you can tell the difference between a dream and a visit from a spirit/spirits, is, among other things, a visit seems as if it’s in high definition. The colors are more vibrant, all your senses seem heightened, the hair on your arms or back of your neck may stand up, you may have goosebumps, and, you remember vivid details about the encounter.

To get more information for you, I did an instant replay of that night in the Mizpah Hotel at 3am.

Your room had an early 20th century décor and your husband was on the side of the bed nearest to the door.

The spirits you saw were a man named Ronald (the hotel general manager) and the woman’s name was Ginger. She was the head of housekeeping. They were doing their quarterly inspection of all the rooms.

I believe you witnessed what’s known as a parallel reality. Since time doesn’t exist in the spirit world, everything that has happened, is still happening, and has its own frequency. Sometimes those frequencies intersect with our current reality and we see glimpses of them.

Although we don’t yet have the technology to detect this phenomenon, the human mind can be trained to perceive past lives, events, realities. Mystics, shamans, medicine men, etc. have been accessing parallel realties since the beginning of time. I learned this skill and now teach it to my students.

In addition, receiving messages and visits from spirits when we’re sleeping is common because our brains are relaxed and our vibrational level goes back to its factory presetting, the frequency of spirit, allowing them to communicate with us more easily.

So, Ronald and Ginger’s spirits didn’t visit you, rather, you peered into their past reality.


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Aggressive Spirit

Ryan from West Sussex, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

Twenty-five years ago, while laying on my bed awake on a ferry boat, I saw figures that looked just like how you describe Casper the Friendly Ghost. I related immediately.

At the time, I thought, wow I’m actually seeing spirits!

One of the spirits however, passed in front then turned abruptly to me and was trying to tell me something. It became violently angry then punched through me at which point, I leapt off the bed and turned on the light.

I have carried that experience for all this time and can’t understand what this spirit wanted. I was crossing the English Channel at the time.

I should mention that there were other spirits present, but only this one was aggressive.

Do you have any insights about this?

Many thanks,


Hi Ryan (love your name),

What an experience you had and what a great question.

To get some answers for you, I first energetically connected to you and then did an instant replay (like what you see when watching a sporting event on television) of your experience on the ferry boat while crossing the Channel.

The English Channel, a portion of the Atlantic Ocean separating Southern England and Northern France, is the busiest shipping area in the world, and is known for its rough seas and thousands of shipwrecks.

When replaying the scene you describe, I “got” (information telepathically received from Spirit) that the spirit trying to communicate with you was a man calling himself John Marlborough who was a naval officer on the HMS Victory, a ship that sunk in a storm in the Channel in 1744 killing 1,100 sailors.

Researchers believe the Victory was built with sub-standard materials, in particular, unseasoned timbers that didn’t withstand the violent seas, causing it to sink.

Having said all that, Marlborough was trying to alert sailors the ship was about to sink and no one was listening to him.

I believe his spirit was still attempting to alert his sailors of potential catastrophe and you happened to be able to sense his presence.

There are those who say multiple realities exist at the same time. It seems feasible to me, and if true, can certainly explain what you experienced, meaning, the HMS Victory’s impending doom was happening simultaneously with the reality you were experiencing twenty-five years ago.

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Child’s Past Life

Logan from Reno, NV, asked:

Hi Julie,

I have a five-year-old son who is angered very easily and is often telling me how sad he is.

He’s also told my husband and me since he could talk, that he didn’t want to be born, that he wanted to stay in the stars, and that he is scared to die.

There are times he says out of the blue, that he is a bad person and it just breaks my heart.

I fear something awful happened to him in a past life and he is fearful of repeating it again in this lifetime.

We have a very close and loving family and we support him as much as we can but there are times I am at a loss of words for what his sweet little soul is expressing to me.

Would you be willing to scan his body for anything that might be agitating him with his health and/or anything he might be carrying over from a past life? I want to help and support him as much as I can.

Thank you for the beautiful work that you do. I so enjoy reading your blogs and hearing about all the healing and love you share with the world.



Hi Logan,

Thanks for your question and kind comments about my work.

I can only imagine how frightening your young son’s words must be to you and your family.

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected to you and from you to your son.

After gaining his permission to scan him, I noticed he is full of toxins, in particular, mold.

Have you had a water leak or a mold issue in your home? Perhaps a past home? How about his school?

In Mold Toxicity: A Common Cause of Psychiatric Symptoms, Psychology Today states, “Toxic mold-based illness is a very prevalent and under diagnosed condition that can manifest in many different ways, including with symptoms that are exclusively psychiatric, such as depression, anxiety, attentional problems, brain fog and insomnia.”

The article goes on to say, “Vulnerability to mold toxicity is only present in 25% of the population, who in most cases, have a genetic predisposition which inhibits their clearance of biotoxins. A family can all be living in the same house with mold growth, but only one family member will become ill. This is because that person is the only one with the genetic vulnerability.”

First and foremost, I believe your son’s anger and emotional issues are caused by depression and anxiety from mold toxicity.

Second, while doing a past life scan on your son, I learned he’s had many past lives in which depression was an issue. These lifetimes include both male and female experiences, different locations, and at different times in history. This round, his spirit is experiencing the opportunity to find the cause of his depression and to heal it.

Lastly, we’re all born with intuitive abilities and small children often talk about past lives, seeing and/or communicating with deceased loved ones and can sometimes predict future events.

Children’s intuitive skills often begin to wane around the age of seven. By this time, the child has usually been told by parents, grandparents, teachers, and friends that the psychic phenomena they’re witnessing isn’t real, rather, it’s just their imagination. The child then learns to disregard their intuitive thoughts.

A few suggestions:

1) Find a functional medicine physician at ifm.org who can treat mold exposure

2)  Engage a mold specialist with remediation skills like We Inspect

3) Get an air purifier and run it in your son’s bedroom

4) Consider feeding him a high (good) fat, low carbohydrate diet. In a study of more than 13,000 kids titled Association Between Junk Food Consumption and Mental Health , researchers found, “Junk food consumption may increase the risk for psychiatric distress and violent behaviors in children and adolescents. Improvement of eating habits toward healthier diets may be an effective approach for improving mental health.”

5) Use my children’s books (Angel Messages Series) to explain and begin a conversation validating your son’s comments about previous lives, etc. This will help him learn how special he is.

Hope this information helps your son, you, and your family.

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Past Life Blockages

Harpreet from Dubai, UAE, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am not able to have a stable life journey. Every 7 to 9 years I start over not only career wise but I move countries. (Not necessarily a bad thing.)

But I would like guidance on how to remove past life blockages and live the best life I can before I leave this body.

Thanks for your guidance.


Hi Harpreet,

Most of us have heard of past life blocks and believe they affect us in a negative way. I have a different opinion about the subject.

Yes, we all live many, many lifetimes. Information we glean from past life regressions and scans are often validated with historical data.

In each life, we explore a multitude of general ideas or concepts, similar to a script. For example, we may decide to incarnate and experience what it’s like to be a teacher.

Now, there are countless ways to teach. It can be in a classroom, corporate, or environmental setting. You can teach as an author of a book, a parent, a grandparent, coach, or dog trainer, each life in a different gender, different country and timeline. You get the idea.

In each life we realize new experiences that expand our spirit. All lifetimes give us the opportunity to look at similar situations from a different perspective.

My favorite past life analogy is to think of Hamlet. How may times has that play been performed since Shakespeare wrote it in 1603? Who knows! But think about the different countries, languages, actors, costumers, set designers, etc. involved, not to mention what was happening in the world at that moment in history. The same script was used, each time with a different perspective. Past lives are the same.

Regarding your life’s journey, it has and is unfolding perfectly. Your adventures in multiple careers and living in different countries has led you to experience a life your spirit wanted to explore.

We create our lives with our thoughts so all you have to do is think of what is exciting, joyful and fun and you’ll create a life filled with those concepts. There’s no need to clear anything from a past life. Everything has led you to where you are now which is allowing you to live your best life.

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Past and Future Lifetimes

Aslan from Toronto, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie,

I’ve recently discovered your material and I’m enjoying your insights.

I would like to ask about my interest in Scandinavia. It’s one I’ve developed over the past several years.

I feel as if I’ve had lifetimes in this area and many of these actually take place in what we consider the future (even though it is all happening simultaneously).

I get the impression that one of these lives begins in Bergen, Norway, sometime around 2030, overlaps with my current life, and the mother’s name is Jenny.

I’m also feeling that I will have a future life in Solrod, Denmark. Are these impressions correct?

Thank you.


Hi Aslan,

Thanks for such an interesting question. I find exploring past and future lifetimes to be both fascinating and fun.

With regard to the passion you feel about Scandinavia, I “get” (meaning I received information from Spirit) you indeed have had several past lives in that part of the world. In fact, I “get” 47 of your past 100 lifetimes were lived in Scandinavian countries.

Now, keep in mind, time doesn’t exist in the spirit world. It’s a human creation. It’s feasible, a hundred human lifetimes may not even be a blip on the radar in the spirit world.

As for your seeing future lifetimes, when I asked Spirit if you were actually “seeing” (with your mind’s eye) a future lifetime, I “got” a NO. But then, when I asked if our spirit can live in multiple lifetimes at the same time, I “got” a YES.

Those answers prompted me to ask Spirit for clarification and “got” your future lives are in the process of being created based on your interests in this lifetime. In essence, you got a preview of a life you may create.

It’s kind of like a preview of a movie that will be released at a future date. When movie trailers are shown, the actual movie is oftentimes still being made and can be in various stages of filming, editing, etc. It’s still being formulated.

Trying to wrap our heads around this past and future life subject can be daunting. We try to make sense of something for which we don’t have a human frame of reference.

Having said all that, it’s been my experience, things that have happened are set, things that are happening right now are set, and future events are fluid. Unlimited variables (our and others’ free will, natural disasters, pandemics, etc.) can arise and affect a future outcome.

As we approach the holidays, look for the Nisse (Norwegian), Tomte (Swedish), and Tonttu (Finnish). They’re known as mythological “elves” from Nordic folklore typically associated with the winter solstice and the Christmas season. I feel certain you’ll be surrounded by them!

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