
Julie Ryan

Julie Ryan

Spirit Locations

Mel from Colfax, CA, asked:

Hi Julie,

First off, thank you for all your amazing words of wisdom. I’m so grateful you have come into my life. 

My question is, what happens when our spirit wants to incarnate back into the human form on earth? 

Since the spirits of our loved ones are there at the time of our death to welcome and help us transition to heaven, can a spirit be in heaven and earth at the same time?

Or, will we not see them when we die because they have chosen to incarnate into another human life? 

Is it our destiny to always continue to incarnate?

Thanks, and many blessings and hugs to you,


Hi Mel,

What a great question!

It’s my understanding and belief that we all decide where, when, to whom and the circumstances into which we’re born. That’s so our lives are on a trajectory to explore and experience what it is our spirit wanted to in this lifetime.

Regarding your question about how our deceased loved ones can be present when we’re dying even if they’ve reincarnated, it’s also my understanding and belief that spirits can be many places at the same time.

The Bible says, “God is spirit” (John 4:24) and “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). Although many people interpret these verses to mean God looks like a human, (an old man resembling Father Time – long white hair and beard), I believe they mean we humans are like God in spirit form.

Therefore, if God can be everywhere at the same time and we’re made in His image and likeness, it’s feasible our spirits can also be everywhere at the same time, even in multiple lifetimes.

As for destiny, our spirits incarnate to experience and explore what it’s like to be a human as many times as we want. It’s always our spirit’s choice.

Hope my understanding of these topics help clarify things for you. For more information, please read or listen to my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.

One thing I know for sure is, we’ll all find out the answers to your questions when we die and transition back into spirit form.

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Empathic Daughter

Yvette in Yorktown, VA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I am pretty sure my daughter Sophie is an empath. She seems to absorb people’s illnesses and/or feelings which then manifest in her.

Recently, my aunt in Texas was diagnosed with diverticulosis and now Sophie (who lives in Roslyn, VA) is having trouble eating and is losing weight.

What can my daughter do to keep from taking on these symptoms? Is there a technique she can utilize?

Thank you for any assistance you can give.


Hi Yvette,

Thanks for your fascinating question about your daughter Sophie.

Empaths are known as people who are extremely sensitive to other’s feelings and emotions, sometimes to the detriment of themselves and are more common than one might imagine.

The word empath comes from the Greek “em” which means “in” and “pathos” which means “feeling” translating to “feeling into others’ feelings”. This very real phenomenon can activate a person’s nervous system causing a plethora of symptoms, oftentimes mimicking another’s symptoms.

In order to get some information about Sophie, I energetically connected to her and asked permission to scan her. She said yes.

Once I got Sophie on my “radar” I could “see” (in my mind’s eye) that all of her chakras (energy centers) were blown open. The word chakra means wheel or disc in Sanskrit so imagine a chakra as a spinning wheel of energy.

Everyone has seven main chakras in their body starting at the top of the head and ending in the pelvis at the base of the spine. These chakras correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

In addition, each chakra has a filter that keeps the person’s energy in and other’s energy out. These filters look like clear contact lenses to me and can get blown off with one or more traumatic events. I replaced all of Sophie’s missing chakra filters.

Furthermore, we all have energy cords that connect us to other people. These cords are called bioplasmic streamers and resemble a laser beam when connecting to someone and a thin umbilical cord when removing them. Sophie had a lot of them that I subsequently removed.

Psychologist Dr. Bo Forbes specializes in mind-body medicine and is known for working with empaths. Sophie may want to investigate her website to see if any of Dr. Forbes’ trainings resonate with her.

In the meantime, some simple suggestions to help Sophie calm her nervous system can include yoga, meditation and a hot bath.

Hope these healings and information help.  



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Menopause Symptom Relief

Robin from Killarney, Manitoba, Canada, asked:

Hi Julie,

May I please have a medical scan?

I am 55, going through menopause and wondering if the natural remedies are helping and if I can do something differently.



Hi Robin,

Welcome to the club! The menopause years are life-changing in a number of ways and I have personally found all of them to be positive.

When discussing menopause, global women’s health expert and board-certified OB/GYN Christiane Northrup, MD says, “Menopause is an exciting developmental stage – one that, when participated in consciously, holds enormous promise for transforming and healing our bodies, minds, and spirits at the deepest levels.”

Natural remedies for menopausal symptoms can include bioidentical hormones and herbal supplements like Maca, Pueraria Mirifica, Black Cohosh and Vitex.

Harvard Medical School defines bioidentical hormones as, “Hormones that are identical in molecular structure to the hormones women make in their bodies.”

Although some women go through perimenopause and menopause without experiencing any symptoms, many women successfully utilize either bioidentical hormones or herbal remedies to alleviate their unwanted symptoms.

To find a practitioner in your area, go to the Institute For Functional Medicine or call a local compounding pharmacy and ask for physician referrals. Americans can also go to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine to find providers.

In addition, Dr. Northrup will be a guest on my show Thursday, May 20th to discuss the latest revision of her #1 New York Times bestseller book The Wisdom of Menopause and will be answering callers’ questions about perimenopause and menopause. Please put this date on your calendar and join us.

Hope this information helps jump start your menopause research.

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A Widow’s Inspiration

Caroline from Glasgow, Scotland, asked:

Hi Julie,

February 18th was the 7th anniversary of my husband’s death.

He took his own life and I was left with massive financial challenges and was widowed in a horrific way.

In addition, I lost both parents and five friends within the space of 6 years.

I have a deep faith but having to deal with all of this makes me feel overwhelmed.

It’s time to move on but I feel at such a loss right now so I prayed to God for guidance and asked for a sign. Your name came into my mind.

I’m trusting your good heart will reach mine.

Thank you, Julie.

Caroline xx

Hi Caroline,

My goodness, you’ve certainly been through a lot in the last few years. I completely understand your wish to move on and create a new life for yourself.

With that in mind, here are a few thoughts and concepts that may help.

First, it’s important to remember we all choose, where, when, how and who if anyone is with us when we die, even when it’s horrendous, like in the case of your husband’s death.

Next, although it’s virtually impossible for us to make sense of a situation like that, it’s also important to remember, our spirit comes in with an expectation of what it wants to experience in this lifetime.

In a past life, it’s feasible your husband was the spouse of, child of, parent or friend of someone who committed suicide and, in this life, wanted to experience what it felt like to be the person who died in that manner. Likewise, the same goes for you. Perhaps you committed suicide in a past life and wanted to explore it from the perspective of the person left behind to pick up the pieces.

Furthermore, we create what we want from knowing what we don’t want. In other words, conflict, in whatever form, helps us clarify what we want in our lives.

We all have the ability to create whatever we desire by focusing on the end result. When we try to control how something is going to happen, we limit our experiences and often negate a better outcome in the process. When, however, we trust everything is unfolding perfectly, we’re given the information we need at the perfect time.

You obviously receive guidance from God (spirit) and know to follow it. Congratulations, that’s the hardest part of the manifestation process. That is, receiving messages and taking action.

Guidance will come to you as a thought in your head. When you ask for assistance from God, your angels, spirit guides, deceased loved ones, whomever, a response will come into your head within a second. If you think about it for more than a couple seconds, that’ll be your brain talking to you.

In addition, when you get a thought and fear arises, ask yourself if you took that action, would it kill you in the next two minutes. If so, don’t do it. If not, take the step. Then you’ll be given more guidance. Take it one step at a time and you’ll be led to where you want to go.

Please consider reading my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next. I believe you’ll find it informative, inspiring and comforting.

Sending big hugs your way.

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Guardian Angel and Grandma

Lushan from Dubai, UAE, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can you please connect with my grandmom and guardian angel and see if either or both have a message for me?

I’d also like to know the name of my guardian angel.



Hi Lushan,

I’ll be delighted to connect with your grandmother and guardian angel.

First, your grandmother said you’re a beautiful girl and you shy away from any reference to your looks. She went on to say your beauty is a gift from God and to embrace it. She also said if you work on enhancing your self-esteem, more people will notice you and you can then spread your inner beauty to many others.

As for your guardian angel, I was told its name is Michaela.

Remember, spirits don’t have a gender. We’re just used to equating a name with a gender and that’s fine. It helps us have a frame of reference for what we understand as humans.

Michaela wanted you to know it is always around you and is available to assist you at any time. All you have to do is ask.

Angels and spirits don’t interfere with our lives but they love to help us if invited to.

So, ask away and let your grandmother and guardian angel assist you.

Thanks for such a great question.

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A Mother’s Love

Kristie from Hyde Park, MA, asked:

Hi Julie,

I recently saw you on the “Helping Parents Heal” Zoom meeting. Listening to you was very helpful and I look forward to reading your book. Thank you for all that you do to help people heal. You are truly amazing.

I am wondering if my son is still angry with me in the spirit world. We were not on the best of terms when he was murdered because I asked him to leave our home. He was bi-polar and unmedicated, with addiction/alcohol abuse issues and I hadn’t spoken to him in about 7 months.

He was shot in the head and remained in the SICU for 2 weeks and 1 day and because of the pandemic, we were not able to be by his side as often as we wanted. The hospital staff would call us in when they thought he wasn’t going to make it. 

Thankfully, we were there when he passed away and I was able to tell him how much I loved him. I also told him I was sorry and that I had always loved him and would continue to love him right up until my last breath and beyond.

He was heavily sedated so I don’t know if he even heard me or knew that my husband and I were there. Now my beautiful boy is gone from this Earth. I would give anything to be able to speak to him and let him know how much he was loved and how much I miss him.

Thank you,


Hi Kristie,

Thanks for sharing your comments about the love you have for your son. My condolences to you and your family on his passing.

Regarding your questioning if he is angry with you in the spirit world, when I asked him, his answer was an instant NO!

He also told me he knows you love and miss him and wants you to know he’s frequently around you.

All spirits are pure love and that includes your precious son. Any so-called “negative” personality traits remain with the body when someone dies.

Please remember, we all choose when we go, who’s with us when we go, and the circumstances that surround our deaths. Your son chose to have you and your husband with him when he passed. In addition, he was surrounded by lots of angels and the spirits of many deceased family, friends and animals. That scenario is a testament to the love you felt for your son and the love he felt for YOU!

Lastly, you can talk with him anytime you like. Just say something to him either aloud or in your head and he’ll instantly respond. It’ll seem like it’s your thought. How you know it’s from him is, his answer will come into your head within a second. If it takes longer, that’ll be your brain answering you.

Practice talking with him and pay attention to the answers you receive. The more you do it, the more validation you’ll get and that’ll give you confidence. Before long, communicating with your son will be second nature to you.

Hope you find comfort in this information and from my book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This World Into The Next.

Sending big hugs your way!


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Weight, Diet and Hormones

Ambi from Brighton Beach, East Sussex, England, asked:

Hi Julie,

Thank you in advance for all your help and advice.

When I got married, I was just over 11 stone (154 lbs) but after three children, my weight has risen to 15 stone (210 lbs). No matter how much I diet or exercise the weight doesn’t seem to budge.

This year as I turned 40, my periods have not been regular, I’ve had my thyroid checked and the doctors say it’s fine.

Lastly, I seem to be angry a lot, my hair is very thin and brittle and I have a chocolate addiction. Could this be a hormone issue?

Thanks for any light you can shine on my situation.


Hi Ambi,

Thanks for submitting you question. It’s a reality most of us have had or are currently experiencing.

Excess weight issues are perplexing to even the most well-read person. What diet and how much exercise is best? Why isn’t something that seems to be working for others not working for me? There seem to be so many weight-loss strategies it can make our heads spin.

Having said all that, what I’ve learned from a life-time of weight struggles is, it’s all about insulin resistance and hormones. If we can balance our hormones, especially in the post-partum, peri-menopause and menopausal times in our lives and combine it with a healthy diet, we have a better chance of weight management success.

Optimal hormones combined with a low carbohydrate, whole-foods menu seems to be what our bodies crave. A simple mantra I use is, if God made it, eat it, and if man made it avoid it. Even a small child when shown an apple and a cookie can tell which item was man-made.

In order to get more information, I energetically scanned you in the UK and “saw” (in my mind’s eye) a hologram of your body and it needed hormones, estrogen in particular. So, I added energetic estrogen to your body and you immediately responded.

Next, I noticed a lot of inflammation over your whole body. Inflammation looks like red fog over body parts. I used a royal blue anti-inflammation energy to calm it down. Then I “got” (received information) your inflammation was caused by the eco-system in your gut being less than optimal.

Since food is the best medicine, please consider doing a gut biome test. It’ll tell you the best foods to eat and avoid making your gut and therefore immune system healthy. In other words, this information will allow you to do the Ambi diet, one that makes sense for your body.

In addition, some of my favorite books on the weight conundrum are:

Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD

Eat Smarter: Use The Power of Food by Shawn Stevenson

Fast This Way by Dave Asprey

The Pegan Diet: 21 Practical Principles for Reclaiming Your Health by Mark Hyman, MD

Lastly, please consider consulting a physician about bioidentical hormones. To learn more about how hormones diminish as we age and how to replenish them to keep our brains, bones and hearts healthy, I recommend visiting Dr. Christiane Northrup’s website and to find a physician in your area specializing in bioidentical hormones, please go to Institute for Functional Medicine.

Hope this information helps you feel better soon.


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Transition Phase Reversal

Kayla from Minneapolis, MN, asked:

Hi Julie,

Can someone start to leave their body, to transition, and then have it be reversed with a healing? Not reversed with a healing but can they reverse through and completely out of the Phases of Transition?

I’ve read your book Angelic Attendants recently and was curious about that because of my own experience of feeling like I had started to transition in the past while I was so unwell in 2016.

I also have your books for kids and read them to my nephews.



Hi Kayla,

What a great question!

Thanks for reading my books and for sharing Angel Messages For Kids and Angel Messages For Dogs with your nephews.

It has been my experience in working with countless families going through a loved one’s final days that dying people can and sometimes do reverse course in the Twelve Phases of Transition™. This isn’t necessarily due to a healing, rather, it’s because the person decides they want to experience more of their human life before they die.

Our spirits are the power source for our bodies which is why when our spirit detaches from our body at the time of death, our body stops working.

As someone is dying and in one of the Phases of Transition, I’m unable to do an energetic healing on them because their spirit is out of their body and attached to the top of their head in a bubble configuration (see illustrations). I equate trying to scan a dying person to trying to read an x-ray in a pitch-black room without electricity. In both instances, I’m unable to see inside the body due to a lack of power/electricity.

Hope this clarifies things for you.

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Healing Endometriosis

Amy from Sligo, Ireland, asked:

Hi Julie,

Hope you are well. I just listened to your podcast with Sandra Rea on her Fiercely Spiritual podcast.

I am certainly going to book an appointment with you for a private session and in the meantime, would love to know if you can detect anything and/or do a healing on my reproductive system.

I’m currently trying to live with and help my body heal from endometriosis. Chronic flare-ups cause intense physical pain and bring me stress around fear about my fertility.

Thanks for any insights you can offer.


Hi Amy,

Thanks for your question and for listening to Sandra and me on her show.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), defines endometriosis as a condition in which the type of tissue that forms the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) is found outside the uterus. Endometriosis can result in excessive bleeding, pelvic pain and in some cases infertility. Many women with endometriosis have no symptoms.

Women’s global health expert and OB/GYN, Christiane Northrup, MD, says, “Endometriosis does not cause infertility, but is felt to be a contributing factor. Whatever is causing the endometriosis symptoms may also be responsible for the infertility, but one does not cause the other.”

In order to get some information for you, I energetically connected to you in Ireland and could see (in my mind’s eye) a fair amount of endometrial tissue outside of your uterus and on your ovaries and fallopian tubes. Next, I watched (again in my mind’s eye) an energetic healing in which a laser was used to eliminate it. The remaining charred tissue was then removed and left a normal-looking reproductive system.

Although outpatient laparoscopic procedures are commonly used to diagnose and remove rogue endometrial tissue, research is showing eating processed foods high in unhealthy fats and sugar may be a contributing cause of endometriosis and exacerbate inflammation and pain. With that in mind, I recommend reading Why We Get Sick by Benjamin Bikman, PhD, in which Dr. Bikman discusses the role diet plays in healing endometriosis and lots of other medical conditions.

Hope you feel better and find this information helpful.

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